Methods to improve the seismic capacity of structures

Reinforcement of reinforced concrete surface layer; Reinforcement of reinforced concrete mortar with surface layer; Steel jacketing reinforcement; Bond steel plate reinforcement; FRP composite reinforcement

Seismic strengthening using FRP composite materials

Methods to improve the integrity of the structure

This method is applicable to the improvement of the bearing capacity and seismic performance of the general structural members, which is often seen in the repair of the repair or construction defects of the existing structural members after the earthquake. The reinforcement methods to improve the integrity of the structure are generally not used alone, together with other reinforcement methods.

  • Pressure perfusion resin pulp

  • Pressure pouring cement mortar

Technical measures for outsourcing reinforcement

This method is a common method to improve the earthquake resistance, deformation performance and integrity by setting the strengthening layer on the periphery of the building structure. It can greatly improve the seismic capacity of the structure.

  • Reinforcement of reinforced concrete surface layer

  • Reinforcement of reinforced concrete mortar with surface layer

  • Steel jacketing reinforcement

  • Bond steel plate reinforcement

  • FRP composite reinforcement

seismic retrofitting with carbon fiber fabric(CFRP)

In addition construction member

By adding components outside the original building structure components and strengthening the seismic bearing capacity, deformation capacity and integrity of the structure, it is called additional component method. This method can be used to strengthen the structures with insufficient bearing capacity and deformability, but it is necessary to focus on the impact of the newly added components on the overall seismic performance of the reinforced structure when the method is used to design the reinforcement. The commonly used technical schemes include reinforcement of structural column girth, additional wall reinforcement, additional column reinforcement, additional rod reinforcement, additional supporting reinforcement, additional support and reinforcement, and additional doors and windows reinforcement, etc.

Enhanced connection strengthening method

The reliability connection of components is an important index for the seismic performance of structures, which can effectively reduce the risk of structural collapse in earthquakes. When the bearing capacity of the original structural component is satisfied, but the component connection is poor, the strengthening connection must be carried out.

  • Steel jacket reinforcement

  • Reinforcing bar reinforcement

  • Reinforcement of grouting bolt

Replacement of component reinforcement method

When there are some components in the building structure because of low strength and poor ductility, the new components with high strength and good ductility can be used to replace and reinforce the original components. Common component replacement is:

  • Reinforced concrete replacement block

  • Steel structure replacement wood structure

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