La gama de negocios de construcción de caballos se extiende a todo el mundo y sirve a miles de clientes con productos, orientación técnica especializada en construcción, y somos testigos del reinicio de la marca china con ellos.
What changes have taken place in the mechanical properties of the structure before and after the structure is reinforced or retrofitting?
The original structure already had certain stress and strain before reinforcement and reconstruction. In the later stage, the stress and strain of the new part of the component is generally lower than the original structure, which has great influence on the mechanical properties of the structure.
The new and old parts of the structure are not formed at once. When they are loaded together, there are problems of coordinated deformation and collaborative work, which also have a great influence on the structural mechanical behavior after reinforcement.
Inappropriate reinforcement and modification schemes may have negative effects on the original structure, such as increasing the base stress, changing the structure quality or stiffness distribution, and so on.
Puede encontrar cualquier cosa que necesite, confíe en probar estos productos y encontrará la gran diferencia después de eso.
Tejido de fibra de carbono unidireccional de alta resistencia para refuerzo de compuesto de polímero reforzado con fibra (FRP).
Lámina de fibra de carbono pultruída para reforzamiento de estructuras
Adhesión de acero y hormigón, utilizada para el refuerzo sísmico de muchos edificios.