La gama de negocios de construcción de caballos se extiende a todo el mundo y sirve a miles de clientes con productos, orientación técnica especializada en construcción, y somos testigos del reinicio de la marca china con ellos.
In the modern society, because of the economic and political development, many existing buildings can not meet the needs of the present stage. It is necessary to reinforce the old buildings.
1. on the basis of the results of identification
The plan must be analyzed through the comprehensive analysis and testing results, and the reinforcement plan should be selected according to the specific conditions and conditions, so as to enhance the integrity of the building and improve the stress status of the members, so as to strengthen the whole building, reinforce the section or reinforce the components.
2. elimination of adverse influence factors
For the layout of reinforcement members, whether or not new members are added, we should reduce or even eliminate the overall adverse factors, and prevent structural stiffness or strength abrupt changes due to local reinforcement.
3. ensure that the reinforcement is reliable
The connection between the new components and the original components must be firm and reliable, and there should be a reliable foundation, such as the new aseismic wall, column and other vertical components.
4. strength improvement of material
If the material type of the reinforced component is in accordance with the original structure, the strength grade must not be lower than the actual strength grade of the original structure material.
5. dismantling redundant hidden danger components
Do not meet the requirements of the appraisal firm removed parapet, and non structural components Menlian roof chimney etc. there is a big security risk, must be retained to try to reduce the height and the use of reliable reinforcement measures.
Puede encontrar cualquier cosa que necesite, confíe en probar estos productos y encontrará la gran diferencia después de eso.
Tejido de fibra de carbono unidireccional de alta resistencia para refuerzo de compuesto de polímero reforzado con fibra (FRP).
Lámina de fibra de carbono pultruída para reforzamiento de estructuras
Resina de anclaje epoxi, paquete de cartucho doble. Se inyecta en los orificios con la pistola dispensadora para plantar barras.