La gama de negocios de construcción de caballos se extiende a todo el mundo y sirve a miles de clientes con productos, orientación técnica especializada en construcción, y somos testigos del reinicio de la marca china con ellos.
2) wall seismic capacity of the braced girder can not meet the requirements, can be added for masonry columns, column, reinforced concrete column or the mortar layer, method of reinforcing steel net wall.
1) window wall width is too small or seismic capacity can not meet the requirements, can be added for reinforced concrete frame or reinforced by cement mortar, method of reinforced wall.
2) wall seismic capacity of the braced girder can not meet the requirements, can be added for masonry columns, column, reinforced concrete column or the mortar layer, method of reinforcing steel net wall.
3) when the wall of the cantilever member does not meet the requirements of identification, it is appropriate to reinforce the end of the cantilever member by adding reinforced concrete columns or masonry composite columns.
4) there is no tie up or no knot in the partition wall. It can be strengthened by trimming, embedding steel jacket, anchor bar or steel tie bar. When the partition wall is too long and too high, it can be reinforced with steel mesh mortar surface.
5) when the roof stairwell, the elevator room and the water tank do not meet the requirements of appraisal, they can be strengthened by surface or additional columns. The upper part should have reliable connection with the roof components, and the lower part should be connected with the reinforcement measures of the main structure.
6) a roof of the chimney, no Rachel parapet, Menlian exceeding the prescribed height, should be removed, or by reducing the height of steel reinforcement, steel rod.
7) when the anchorage length of the cantilever member is not satisfied, the pull rod can be added or the length of the cantilever can be reduced.
Puede encontrar cualquier cosa que necesite, confíe en probar estos productos y encontrará la gran diferencia después de eso.
Tejido de fibra de carbono unidireccional de alta resistencia para refuerzo de compuesto de polímero reforzado con fibra (FRP).
Resina de anclaje epoxi, paquete de cartucho doble. Se inyecta en los orificios con la pistola dispensadora para plantar barras.
Adhesión de acero y hormigón, utilizada para el refuerzo sísmico de muchos edificios.