La gama de negocios de construcción de caballos se extiende a todo el mundo y sirve a miles de clientes con productos, orientación técnica especializada en construcción, y somos testigos del reinicio de la marca china con ellos.
Because the building itself is seriously damaged, we must ensure that the structure of the building is not damaged two times during construction. So at present, CFRP reinforcement is a kind of reinforcement method that minimizes the loss of buildings. It is recommended to be widely promoted in the earthquake stricken area.
The following principles must be observed when using CFRP sheet to reinforce buildings.
Because the building itself is seriously damaged, we must ensure that the structure of the building is not damaged two times during construction. So at present, CFRP reinforcement is a kind of reinforcement method that minimizes the loss of buildings. It is recommended to be widely promoted in the earthquake stricken area.
After carrying out the aseismic appraisal of buildings, it is necessary to determine the methods of reinforcement for buildings and not to directly construct them based on experience. After all, this is a matter of life.
The load transfer must be reasonable, so as to keep the reasonable transmission way of the original structure as far as possible, eliminate or reduce the defect of the original structure transmission way.
Puede encontrar cualquier cosa que necesite, confíe en probar estos productos y encontrará la gran diferencia después de eso.
Tejido de fibra de carbono unidireccional de alta resistencia para refuerzo de compuesto de polímero reforzado con fibra (FRP).
Imprimación de fibra de carbono de baja penetración y alta penetración para superficies de concreto reforzado
Impregnación y pasta de componentes reforzados de superficie y productos de fibra.