Bridge strengthening with prestressed CFRP plate

The prestressed CFRP plate reinforcement technology reduces the normal peel force between carbon fiber and concrete components, improves the bond stress distribution, and effectively inhibits bond failure.

Two fatal defects have affected the development of CFRP reinforcement technology.

  1. The strength utilization ratio of carbon fiber sheet is low

The elastic modulus of carbon fiber is equal to that of the reinfroced concrete, but the strength is more than 10 times that of the steel bar, which determines the low strength utilization of carbon fiber.

Bridge strengthening with prestressed CFRP plate.jpg

2. Bond failure between carbon fiber fabric and concrete leads to early failure of reinforced structures.

Due to the excessive local bonding stress and the uneven surface of the structure, the normal force N and the peel failure are strengthened.

Bridge strengthening with prestressed CFRP plate

Solution: Prestreseed CFRP plate

1.The technology of Prestressed CFRP is 4-6 times higher than that of non prestressed carbon fiber reinforcement technology.

Bridge strengthening with prestressed CFRP plate

2.The prestressed CFRP reinforcement technology reduces the normal peel force between carbon fiber and concrete components, improves the bond stress distribution, and effectively inhibits bond failure.

Bridge strengthening with prestressed CFRP plate

Bridge strengthening with prestressed CFRP plate

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