HM carbon fiber fabric solve construction problems

So, as the leading brand of domestic strutural reinforcement materials, how can HM carbon fiber fabric solve these problems at the source through quality control?

2018-10-22 18:24:34

Strengthening concrete beams with steel plates

The steel plate is bonded to the surface of concrete members with high performance epoxy adhesives, so that the steel plate and concrete form a unified whole. The purpose of strengthening the bearing capacity and stiffness of the components is achieved by using the good tensile strength of the steel plate.

2018-10-19 18:43:01

Sistema Laminado de FRP Pretensado para el Refuerzo de Puentes

Sistema laminado de FRP pretensado

2018-10-19 19:00:00

Structural crack repair with crack injection

Low pressure crack injection for structural crack reapir This method is suitable for repairing concrete cracks with crack width of 0.2-0.3 mm. It is to inject adhesive into cracks to improve their waterproofness and durability.

2018-10-18 18:02:10

¿¿ Cómo Instalar Tela De Fibra De Carbono En Hormigón?

Tela De Fibra De Carbono

2018-10-18 16:56:34

Puentes Reforzados Con Laminados De Fibra De Carbono

Laminados De Fibra De Carbono

2018-10-17 16:20:32

Fábrica Líder De Tela De Fibra De Carbono

Fábrica líder de láminas de fibra de carbono para refuerzo estructural

2018-10-16 18:14:07

Carbon fiber reinforced wrap for concrete strengthening

Although carbon fiber reinforcement technology started relatively late in China, because of its characteristics and advantages, this technology has developed very rapidly in China, and has been widely applied to transportation, construction, aviation, aerospace and other fields.

2018-10-16 18:05:22

Epoxy Anchor HM-500

We cooperate with some of the best universities and laboratories in China as well as in the world to keep improving our epoxy anchor formula and quality. For example, Tsinghua University(China), Fudan University(China), Syracuse University(USA) and Fribourg University(Switzerland), etc.

2018-10-15 16:53:34