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Low pressure crack injection for structural crack reapir This method is suitable for repairing concrete cracks with crack width of 0.2-0.3 mm. It is to inject adhesive into cracks to improve their waterproofness and durability.
Low pressure crack injection for structural crack reapir
This method is suitable for repairing concrete cracks with crack width of 0.2-0.3 mm. It is to inject adhesive into cracks to improve their waterproofness and durability. For incomplete cracks, grouting method is difficult to inject slurry into the interior. When the injection pressure is too high, it is possible to expand the crack width. Therefore, at present, low pressure and low speed injection methods are widely used.
The construction process of HM 120L crack injection adhesive
Crack surface repair
First, chip away plastering of the range on each side of crack by 10cm.
Slot cracks
Sloppy along crack according to design, then polishing and cleaning it up.
Sealing ports, sealing cracks
Sealing creaks and ports with structural repairing adhesive, keep ports distance 10 to 30 cm.
Air pressurre test
When the structural repairing adhesive has cured, precedes the air pressure testing if there is leakage, see less or reinstall ports.
Mix adhesive
Mix the horse construction crack injection adhesive according to the ratio. Stir evenly and avoid any bubble.
Inject adhesive
Inhaled the adhesive with adhesive injector and inject adhesive via ports one by one. Start the second injector when adhesive overflow from one side to the other side. When crack injection adhesive has initial cured, remove injectors and ports.
Inspect quality
Level the surface with structural repairing adhesive, take the quality inspection after 7 days.
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Adhesivo reparador de grietas de alta resistencia para grietas de hormigón.
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