La gama de negocios de construcción de caballos se extiende a todo el mundo y sirve a miles de clientes con productos, orientación técnica especializada en construcción, y somos testigos del reinicio de la marca china con ellos.
Prestress FRP System is refers to the pre-imposed stress on the structure before the component has been applied
Prestress FRP System is refers to the pre-imposed stress on the structure before the component has been applied. Prestress strength is generally the opposite of stress caused by load.
There are many examples in daily life.
For example:
1)The tub (barrel)
The hoop is applied to the wood chip to pre press the stress to counteract the tensile stress produced by the water.
2)Move the book
The pre stress is applied by hand to counteract the bending tensile stress produced by the self weight of the book.
so eas
Puede encontrar cualquier cosa que necesite, confíe en probar estos productos y encontrará la gran diferencia después de eso.
Placa / laminado / banda de polímero pretensado reforzado con fibra de carbono (CFRP) para la losa, refuerzo del haz