Design principles for seismic reinforcement of existing building

The strength grade of the material used for reinforcement should not be lower than the actual strength grade of the original material.There should be a reliable connection between the new components and the original components, and the new aseismic walls and columns should have a reliable foundation.

Design principles for seismic reinforcement of existing buildings

1, according to the results of the aseismic appraisal, the consolidation scheme should be determined by strengthening the whole building, strengthening the section or strengthening components, strengthening the integrity, improving the stress status of the members and improving the comprehensive seismic capacity.

2. The disadvantageous factors should be reduced or reduced in the arrangement of reinforced or newly added components to prevent the local strengthening of structural stiffness or strength.

3. There should be a reliable connection between the new components and the original components, and the new aseismic walls and columns should have a reliable foundation.

4. At the same time, the strength grade of the material used for reinforcement should not be lower than the actual strength grade of the original material.

5. The reinforcement design should pay attention to the connection structure design of the node.

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